What to pack really comes down to your personal preferences for traveling, whether that is hardcore backpacking or luxury hostel going. There are things to consider when trying to decide if you want to take items such as hair dryers and straighteners, and we’re going to start with talking about the ins and outs of taking or not taking a hair dryer.
Things to Consider
Your Accommodation Type: It is a trend for hotels to provide hair dryers of their own to guests, so it may become obsolete to pack one of your own. Hostels, however, will be less likely to provide hair dryers to guests, so we would suggest it more of a necessity to have one if this is your accommodation type. Still, there is the possibility of someone else in the hostel to have brought one that you can borrow, but that is not reliable.
Your Luggage Type: A hair dryer, no matter its size, is going to take up extra space in your luggage whether that be a backpack or a suitcase.
Your Destination’s Weather: usually if you travel somewhere when it is cold, you are pining for a hair dryer to end your wet hair suffering. In that case, you have to plan when is the optimal time to deal with wet hair. Being stuck with wet hair in hot climates, however, is not really going to bother you since it just has some cooling properties. (Plus, you can also just stick your head out the car or train window for a few minutes- but be careful!)
Your Hair Type: Some people’s hair requires a bit of love from a hair dryer to look its best. If that is the case, and you’re somewhere in the world where you want to look fantastic, then packing a hair dryer might be more important.
Electrical Settings: Your current hair dryer might not be able to be plugged into electrical outlets in other countries. You will need to have a special travel blow dryer or one with adapters in order to use them abroad. It is just another thing to consider when you are thinking about what to pack.
Some Travel Friendly Hair Dryers
There are plenty of hair dryers out there specifically designed to be right for packing up and taking away!